memorial donations

  • mass Intentions

        Mass Intentions/Cards can be obtained in the parish office for any Mass time offered at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. There is a suggested $10 donation for each Mass Intention requested. A Mass Card is available if one is desired. The Mass Intention will be published in the church bulletin and announced at the designated Mass. Mass Intentions can be requested for healing, in thanksgiving, celebratory or for the deceased. For more information please call the parish office at 708-403-0101.

  • memorial pavers

         Located outside of our church Narthex, surrounding the "Jesus and the Children" Statue, engraved paving stones can be purchased as a memorial or as an act of thanksgiving for a special friend or family member. Paver stones have two price categories: Paver stones are $300 ($500 for inner circle location). A paver stone can be engraved wtih a total of 42 spaces with (14 letters per line with three line maximum per paver. Please download the Brick Paver Order Form HERE.


    For more information about planned giving or to remember St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in your will, please contact our Business Manager, Donna Stolinski at 708-403-0101 or email her at