The liturgy is the central act of worship of the Catholic Church, and is the privileged encounter with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In order for our liturgies to be prayerful, vibrant, and joyful, many dedicated volunteers make up the Liturgical Ministries of St. Elizabeth Seton Church which include: Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters, Altar Servers, Adult Servers, Sacristans, and Art and Environment.

     If you are interested in serving our parishioners as a liturgical minister, please contact Fr. Dan Korenchan at 708-403-0101 ext. 103, or click HERE to email Fr. Dan.


Lectors proclaim the Sacred Scriptures to the congregation and lead the petitions at Sunday Masses and on Holy Days. At the beginning of the Liturgical Year, each Lector receives a workbook containing the readings for the year so that they can pray and practice with them before Mass. Lectors are assigned 2-3 months in advance of their scheduled dates and can expect to be called upon to substitute for other lectors at least once per month.

Lectors should be baptized and confirmed Catholics that are at least 16 years old.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Ordinary Ministers (bishops, priests, and deacons) in distributing the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ at Mass. EMHCs attend two evening training sessions that include theological reflection on the Eucharist and practical training in this ministry. After training, all Eucharistic ministers are commissioned by the Archdiocese of Chicago for a three-year period. EMHCs are assigned 2-3 months in advance of their scheduled dates and can expect to be called upon to substitute for other EMHCs at least once per month.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should be baptized and confirmed Catholics that are at least 16 years old.


Greeters are the men, women, and families who welcome parishioners and visitors to each Mass, offer hospitality, and serve as ushers. Greeters also gather our Sunday collections, distribute the bulletins after Mass, and clean up the Church in between Masses. Greeters are scheduled in groups of 6-8 for their preferred Mass time and serve on a one-month-on, one-month-off basis. Ages: Eighth Grade through adult, but younger children may help their parents who are greeters.


Altar Servers at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish are drawn from 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys and girls from Cardinal Joseph Bernadin School and our Religious Education program. Altar Servers assist the presiders at liturgical celebrations and reverently guide the congregation in prayer and posture. These young men and women must attend one 1.5-hour training session per year, and are usually scheduled to serve at least once per month. In addition to serving at weekend Masses, the Altar Servers have opportunities to serve at weddings and funerals for a small stipend. Altar Server training is announced annually in the bulletin.


The Adult Servers at funerals are drawn from a volunteer group of men and women who assist the funeral presider in the sanctuary, and may also be called upon to help distribute Holy Communion (if trained as an EMHC). Adult Altar Servers are scheduled on an as-needed basis.


Sacristans prepare the logistical aspects of each liturgical celebration, including setting out and caring for the sacred vessels, bread and wine, and other liturgical items; arranging the sanctuary for Mass, and coordinating the EMHCs, lectors, and greeters for a given Mass. Sacristans are scheduled for either Sunday weekday Masses, and must arrive 20 minutes prior to the start of Mass and stay approximately 20 minutes after. Sacristans are scheduled 2-3 months in advance, and are assigned to at least one Mass per month.


Parishioners who serve on the Art and Environment Team work to design and coordinate beautiful and prayerful environments for our Masses. With the financial support of the parish, they procure the flowers, plants, and other items that decorate the church according to the liturgical season. The team meets as needed throughout the year, and does require some physical labor.