A sacrament is a sacred and visible sign that is instituted by Jesus to give us grace. Christ is present every time each sacrament is celebrated. The Catholic Church has all of the seven sacraments instituted by Christ, which include Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. St. Elizabeth Seton Parish offers sacramental preparation for all ages. For adults who wish to become Catholic, we invite you to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults-RCIA program. 

Experience a positive difference in your life and family at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish,

by encountering Jesus through the sacraments.

  • baptism

    The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated twice monthly at 1:00 p.m. First time parents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to Baptism. The one night seminar focuses on a parent's role in his/her child's faith development and is mandatory. Baptisms are limited to six children per Sunday. Please call the Parish Office at 708-403-0101 to register your child or for more information.

  • reconciliation

    Saturday Reconciliation

    The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday, 

    between 4:15-4:45pm in the Reconciliation Room of the church.

    Parish Reconciliation Service

    During the Advent and Lenten Season, St. Elizabeth Seton offers the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a parish at a special Parish Reconciliation Service.

  • marriage

    Couples planning on marrying at St. Elizabeth Seton should contact the Parish office as soon as possible, but no later than six months prior to a planned date. Couples are required to participate in Pre-Cana meetings, either through the St. Elizabeth Seton Church Marriage Preparation Program or through the Archdiocese of Chicago One in Christ Program.

    Wedding Planning Details

    How does preparing for marriage work? How much does it cost? What are the options for the readings and vows at the wedding Mass/ceremony? Take a look at our wedding booklet for answers to these and many more questions.

    PreCana through the Archdiocese of Chicago

    You may wish to take the PreCana classes through the Archdiocese of Chicago. Classes are offered at different churches throughout the Archdiocese. We recommend the program One in Christ, which takes place at a parish in the city: https://www.oneinchristmarriage.com/

    Marriage Preparation-led by married couples of the church

    Marriage Preparation classes are conducted by married couples who act as facilitators for couples who will be getting married at the parish. Every engaged couple must attend one five hour session that covers topics such as communication, goal setting, budgets, faith, and family. The classes are held in the homes of the facilitators and are scheduled approximately eight times each year.  

    Wedding Workshop

    The St. Elizabeth Seton Wedding Workshop is offered throughout the year. The workshop provides an engaged couple with guidelines and suggestions for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. The workshop covers topics ranging from readings and music to flowers and video taping.

  • anointing of the sick

    Anointing of the Sick

    An Anointing of the Sick service is normally offered each Monday morning after the 9am Mass. Parishioners who are ill, or who will be entering the hospital are asked to call the parish office with special requests. For those who are ill or facing hospitalization, it is appropriate to receive the sacrament once every six months. 

    Emergency Requests for the Sacrament of the Sick

    Emergency requests for the Sacrament of the Sick should be made by calling the Parish office at 708-403-0101. 

    Prayers for the Sick and Deceased

    Parishioners who are hospitalized or ill, or a member of the infirm parishioner's family, may call to request inclusion on the prayer list. In addition, a family member may request a recently deceased loved one's name be added to the prayer list. Please call the Parish office at 708-403-0101.

    In the Hospital?

    Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations, hospitals can no longer contact the parish regarding your hospitalization. It is the responsibility of you or a family member to notify our parish. We desire to offer whatever spiritual support we can. Please call the parish office at 708-403-0101.

  • rite of christian initiation for adults - rcia

    The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, RCIA, is a process by which participants are joined to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. It is a process for adults who have never been baptized. However, those who have been baptized into other Christian denominations or Catholics who were baptized but have not received Eucharist or Confirmation may join the process. Participants reflect on Scripture and the Tradition and Doctrines of the Catholic Church at weekly gatherings. Please call the parish office for more information at 708-403-0101.


    The Eucharist is one of the Sacraments of Initiation (along with Baptism and Confirmation). For information on enrolling your child in our Religious Education Program please contact our Director of Religious Education at 708-403-0137 at barracca@steseton.com. For information on RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, please call the parish office at 708-403-0101.

  • confirmation

    The Sacrament of Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation (along with Baptism and Eucharist). For information on enrolling your child in the Religious Education Program please contact our Director of Religious Education at 708-403-0137 or at barracca@steseton.com. For information on RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, please call the parish office at 708-403-0101.


    Are you a man discerning a vocation to the priesthood or the diaconate? Our priests and deacons are happy to share the joys of these amazing vocations with you, and what the steps of discernment look like. Reach out to us to learn more!

    You may also email Fr. Tim Monahan, Vocations Director of the Archdiocese of Chicago at tmonahan@archchicago.org.

    Check out the Archdiocesan resources for vocational discernment: