St. Elizabeth Seton Church invites all into a lifelong learning experience as you journey in your Catholic faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ. By engaging in Faith Formation educational opportunities such as Adult Scripture Study and Book Discussion Groups, participants can integrate their actual life experience, while deepening their Christian faith to live their lives in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus. 


    We invite all parishioners to join us!

    The St. Elizabeth Seton Scripture Study Group meets each Spring and Fall for approximately eight weeks. The meetings are held on Thursdays at either 9:45-11 am or 7:30-9 pm in our Fr. Bill Gubbins Center for Faith Formation, located at the corner of 94th Avenue and 167th Street. 

         Our Scripture Group uses the Little Rock Scripture Study Series. Each participant has two books: The first contains the text of the book of the Bible that is being studied together with a commentary on that text. The other book is a study guide with a series of questions to be answered at home. 

         Participants are placed in five different discussion groups, each with its own moderator. There the members discuss the assigned questions and share their own scriptural and spiritual insights. This is followed by a prayer together and a wrap-up session. 

         Past studies (chronologically since 2002): Acts of the Apostles; Luke; Exodus; Genesis; Captivity Letters of Paul; John; I and II Samuel; Revelation; Amos, Hosea, Micah; Matthew; I Corinthians, Passion and Resurrection Narratives; Hebrews; Psalms; Mark; Isaiah; Job; Spirituality of the Gospels; II Corinthians; Women of the New Testament; Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians; Women of the Old Testament; Catholic Letters of Peter, James, Jude; Spirituality of St. Paul; the Gospel of John, The Eucharist.

    Questions? Contact Mary Vlaming at


    No registration required.

    St. Elizabeth Seton Church offers Book Discussion throughout the year. Watch for this year's book, date and times on our website, parish bulletin, or on Facebook.


    Struggling with your faith, discerning a vocation, or looking for wisdom to better know God's plan for your life? Our priests and deacons have availability to meet with you, pray with you, and help you discern God's voice in your life. Reach out to us on our Parish Staff page.