Welcome to our heartfelt parish community of St. Elizabeth Seton!

     Whether you've recently moved to the area, are returning to the faith after many years, or are looking for a new vibrant and energetic Catholic church to call home, we welcome each and every individual and family who wants to grow closer with Jesus Christ. Our pastoral staff would be happy to meet you and introduce you to our heartfelt parish community!

     If you'd like to register as a member of our parish so we can include you in our communications and records, please fill out the form below, or download the registration form and drop it off at the parish office, mail it to us, or fax it to 708-403-0105.

      All of our parishioners are invited to be active in the life and mission of the parish. Check out our website to learn about our various groups and ministries, and click here to get involved.

     You may also obtain a brochure with a list of Mass times, parish contact information, parish ministries, clubs, and programs by downloading our Welcome Brochure.


     If you are curious about the Catholic faith or want to grow in your faith and understanding of God, check out our Faith Formation Resources. If you would like to become Catholic, we invite you to join the process of catechesis and sacramental preparation known as the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). For more information, please call the parish office.

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