For over 35 years, St. Elizabeth Seton has been a heartfelt community of believers, bringing Jesus Christ to our community and our community to Jesus Christ. We believe and are convinced that by deep and abiding friendship with Christ, we become the men and women God has created us to be.
The work that we do is only possible through the generous gifts of our parishioners’ time, talent, and treasure. Together, we are preparing our children, teens, young adults, and families to be missionary disciples to a world longing for Christ’s message of peace, compassion, and forgiveness. We are proud of the work we have accomplished so far, but we are just getting started!
If you would like to join us in our exciting and joyful mission, we have several ways you can support us that are listed below.
All donations are tax-deductible.
If you have any questions or need assistance,
contact Donna Stolinski at 708-403-0101 ext. 106 or
Want to give the gift of your time to one of our ministries? Click HERE.
On behalf of all of us at St. Elizabeth Seton,
thank you for your generosity! Let's be great saints together!